In helping leaders achieve and sustain superior performance, we use innovative tools to better enable the client to discover his/her brilliance. Behavioral assessment psychometric tools are used to help clients better understand their emotional agility, their strengths,
de-railers, and opportunities.
As appropriate, we use the attitudinal Energy Leadership Assessment from the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching to help the client better understand his/her level of personal engagement. This assessment provides the client with insights that are often overlooked in behavioral assessments.
Lumina Learning creates innovative psychometrics by taking a humanistic approach and viewing people as "human beings" rather than "human doings." Lumina Learning can help organizations transform their performance by transforming their people. Lumina Learning drives sustainable improvement in bottom-line performance and profitability through practical people development at all levels.
Reach Personal Branding is focused on helping individuals and organizations build and nurture strong brands. Reach provides talent development services to companies and organizations, HR executives, consultants and personal branding products and services for individuals. Our goal is to help professionals be their best by unearthing what makes them exceptional and integrating it into everything they do.
HeartMath helps individuals, organizations and the global community incorporate the heart’s intelligence into their day-to-day experience of life. We do this by connecting heart and science in ways that empower people to greatly reduce stress, build resilience, unlock their natural intuitive guidance, and bring their best selves to their personal, social, and professional lives.
Pillars of Discovery
Foundations for Sustainability
We leverage our knowledge of how the brain works (specific areas, chemical and hormonal consequences) across the 3 Pillars of Discovery.
The NeuroLeadership Institute is a leading global research organization and the pioneer of bringing neuroscience to leadership. Since its inception the Institute has united the world’s foremost neuroscientists, leadership researchers, and organizational practitioners with the purpose of transforming how we think, develop, and perform.
To ensure that our clients are effective globally across the three pillars, we offer the Cultural Orientation Approach (COA) and the Global Mindset Inventory.
Our global executive leadership experiences combined with our multilingual speaking abilities prepare us well to partner with Global Companies, and senior leadership in helping individuals and their respective teams be the best they can be.
Process for Results
Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching is the world's largest executive coaching network. More than 11,000 leaders have measurably improved as a result of our process, and their improvement has been recognized by those they work with. The involvement of key stakeholders in leadership development is extremely powerful to build your personal brand equity.